The fifth of six core certification courses offered within Prevention Link’s core curriculum is an advanced course designed to assists participants in understanding medical terminology, anatomy, diagnostic testing and surgical procedures in order to interpret information in Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) files.
Participants will be exposed to medical terminology and human anatomy with attention to the different skeletal and organ systems.
Special focus will be placed on:
- Common occupational injuries and disorders such as chronic pain and fibromyalgia;
- Mental stress related injuries;
- WSIB policies relating to traumatic stress, psychotraumatic disability and behaviour disorders;
- The legislative authority for health care and the relevant WSIB policies;
- Evidence based medicine, medical specialists and Ontario standards in conjunction with specific treatment modalities;
- Medical records, independent medical examinations and the use of OHCOW services; and
- Advantages and disadvantages of diagnostic testing used to determine workplace Injuries and some surgical procedures.
Learn how disability and permanent impairment are determined, how they are assessed and the different types of awards available for a permanent impairment. Participants follow detailed calculations for these awards to understand how the degree of impairment translates into a monetary value. Finally, when and how redeterminations occur, are discussed.