Thank you for your hard work and support to the many questions related to cases. You provided a wealth of information through this course.–R.W., CUPE
Very well-run program. Speed of course was excellent, and facilitators were very helpful through out the course.–J.A., CUPE
The information was presented in a clear and concise manner. With more real-world experience in applying what I have learned will help to reinforce the lessons learned here today. Thank you.–J.B., CUPE
I am impressed with Prevention Link’s current range of offerings. Thank you!–B.R., OECTA
During the pandemic, I participated in a well-organized WSIB course which led me to a greater understanding and newfound confidence on the shop floor. This made me explore Prevention Link to see what else they had to offer. Yesterday I completed Mental Health 101 and I left feeling empowered! Thanks, Dr. Wendy, and thank you, Prevention Link. Looking forward to continue educating myself and my local using your great services.–K.G., CUPW